Tuesday, February 1, 2011

crank 2: high voltage review

crank 2 is one of my favorite movies. not because its smart, or even clever, but because when you watch it you get kicked straight in the balls. in a good way!! Jason Statham kicks ass in this film, brutal and violent there is even a scene were he lubes up a shotgun with oil and shoves it up a guys asshole! like what the fuck man, that kind of inventive, discussing, shocking, over the top violence is the name of the movie.

for such a ridiculous film it actually has a decent plot, its pretty original if you ask me. well crank 1 was original crank 2 just copys it but its ok cuz it is its squeal. it picks up right as the first one left off with good ol' jason falling to his death. but obviously he dosnt die, go figure, and he is taken into a black market hospital to take out his heart. they replace it with a electric temporary one. so jason has to keep it charged enof till he can get his real heart back. so your prolly asking yourself "super c in the first one jason used adrenaline as an excuse for a random public sex scene, how can they do it again?" friction! yup we get to see j-man fuckin on a horse track like all of us wanted. piontless scene you may say, well your right. but its funny as hell and totally worth the awkward half boner you get from it. plus amy hart may be in a very gratuituos sexscene but some how she can keep my respect for her from dropping. its just a funny scene and the fact that she was game for it makes me not think shes a hoe but that she just plain gets it.

the violence is amped up to the fuckin t! its awesome, theres a scene were jason blows ppl away in a strip club, a bullet actually catches a girl in the boob and her booby juice flows out. i cried... i cried hard.... her boob man! her boob! oh well thats what she gets for workin in a strip club in the naborhood were jason statham lives, cuz you know that mans gonna fuck some shit up. crank 2 is also just plain weird, but like awesome weird. theres a part were he drop kicks someones head into the ocean, but wait it gets weirder. theres a scene were he puts jump start clamps on his nipples until there chard just to charge up his heart.

 but wait!! it gets weirder! there is a scene were jason gets so juiced up on electricity the the movie turns into a godzilla like fight scene were jason turns into a latex and rubber costume of him self while he kicks ass. weird but awesome.

this movie is just plain crazy. but its fun violent and a great watch, check it out

Crank 2: High Voltage gets 8 chard nipples out of 10

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